Conduct Manual Tasks Safely

This manual handling course is suitable for: Aged Care (PCA), Disability Support Workers and relevant health care roles.

Check out our manual handling course reviews!

 Conduct Manual Tasks Safely HLTWHS005 also known as ‘Manual Handling training’ allows you to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence required to firstly recognise potentially hazardous manual tasks and the sources of risks and risk factors. Then prepare for and apply controls to complete these tasks using manual handling techniques which support safe work practice. 

Training and assessment delivered on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd 90909.

Students who successfully complete their ‘Conduct Manual Tasks Safely HLTWHS005’ course and are marked competent will receive a certificate in: 

  • HLTWHS005 Conduct Manual Tasks Safely
This will be emailed to the student within 24 hours of completing the course.

Two convenient locations:

Oakleigh: 160 Drummond St Oakleigh, 3166

Essendon: 207 Buckley Street Essendon, 3040

Classes run 7 days a week.

Close walk from both Oakleigh and Essendon station. Plenty of parking spots available.

Online pre-course work duration: 2-3 hours. 

Face to face practical: 2 hours.

Our Manual Handling Training Course pricing for a Limited Time Only: $120

Please click here for the Refund and Cancellation policy.

Payment Terms – Payment for individual participants is upfront, group booking payment terms are based on agreement between the client and service provider.

Performance Evidence

The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role. There must be evidence that the candidate has:

  • followed legally compliant workplace procedures to prepare for and complete at least 3 different manual tasks relevant to the work role
  • contributed to a consultation process about improving manual handling safety

Knowledge Evidence

The candidate must be able to demonstrate essential knowledge required to effectively complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the work role. This includes knowledge of:

  • key information from work health and safety (WHS) regulations relating to manual tasks and national code of practice
  • role and responsibilities of the employer and employees in relation to manual handling safety
  • ways in which individual workers are involved in consultation about workplace health and safety
  • reporting mechanisms required for workplace injury and compensation claims
  • key aspects of the risk management approach to manual tasks
  • risk factors and potential sources of risks of hazardous manual tasks:
  • repetition
  • forces
  • postures
  • vibration
  • systems of work
  • types of manual task activity and the types of injuries that can result
  • the relationship between the human body and risk of injury from performing manual tasks
  • functions of the human body:
  • basic function of the spine
  • body postures
  • types of muscles
  • principles of levers
  • manual handling techniques that support safe work practice:
  • preparing the load/client
  • preparing the environment
  • using the stronger muscles in the legs where possible, rather than spinal muscles
  • maintaining a neutral spine when lifting and carrying
  • using two hands to lift or carry
  • keeping the load close to the body/centre of gravity
  • avoiding lifting objects above shoulder height
  • minimising repetitive movements
  • positions not held for long periods of time
  • avoiding twisting by repositioning feet whilst turning
  • types and operational features of mechanical aids, tools and equipment

For more details on Learners Rights, Responsibilities and Support please refer to the student handbook.

Our main priority is ensuring our student’s feel safe while they train. To do this we have ensured the following:

Each student has their own first aid training equipment which has been sanitised prior to use.

Each student will have their own designated space 

CPR rescue breaths will be simulated to ensure no contact takes place.

Hand sanitiser and gloves available at any time.

Individuals undertaking this course will be expected to complete both written and practical assessment tasks.

For more information regarding entry and assessment requirements, please click here.